08 July, 2016

Beyonce pauses Glasgow show to display names of police brutality victims after penning powerful open letter in response to cops shooting dead black men Alton Sterling and Philando Castile

Hundreds of celebrities and politicians have joined the masses of people expressing outrage over the latest police involved shooting that happened in Minnesota on Wednesday night. 

Philando Castile (pictured bottom inset) was shot dead by a police officer with the St. Anthony Village Police Department in Falcon Heights, Saint Paul, Minnesota after being pulled over with his girlfriend and her daughter for a broken tail light. One day earlier in Louisiana, Alton Sterling (top inset), 37, was killed in a confrontation with two officers in Baton Rouge after police received a complaint about a man threatening others with a gun while selling CDs. Superstar singer Beyonce (right) penned an open letter about the tragic recent events and shared it on her website, Beyonce.com on Thursday. During her concert in Glasgow, Scotland on Thursday night, the singer paused for a moment of silence for both Sterling and Castile. As she stood on stage, the names of victims of police brutality appeared on the screen behind her in pink colored lettering (left).

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