08 July, 2016

'He didn't have any last words, his eyes rolled in the back of his head': Woman who live-streamed her boyfriend being shot dead by Minnesota cop sobs about the police killing him 'in front of my daughter'

The distraught woman who live-streamed her boyfriend dying after he was shot four times by a cop in Minnesota has broken cover to hit out at police for 'killing him in front of my daughter'. 

Diamond Reynolds, who was handcuffed after a cop in Falcon Heights, Saint Paul, shot Philando Castile, 32, five times, sobbed as she said her four-year-old daughter will 'forever be scarred' by the incident. She insisted that police had stopped them for a busted tail light, which she claims wasn't even busted. Speaking hours after she was released by police, Reynolds told a growing crowd that her boyfriend 'didn't have any last words. His eyes rolled in the back of his head.' She said that police treated her 'like a prisoner', detaining her after the 9pm shooting and keeping her in custody until 5am, separating her from her young daughter, and denying her food and water. When they let her go, they kept her phone for evidence, presumably the one that she filmed the horrific shooting on. The shocking footage of the aftermath of the shooting has sparked outrage and protests in Saint Paul, with hundreds of people descending on the Governor of Minnesota's house demanding justice. It is the second controversial police shooting of a black man to emerge in 24 hours.

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