06 July, 2016

Final days of Jim Carrey's heartbroken ex-girlfriend laid bare: Make-up artist shared Facetime call with actor, ignored text about his missing painkillers and signed suicide letter 'Dewdrop' before overdosing in her bed

Hollywood star Jim Carrey sent a text message to ex-girlfriend Cathriona White (pictured center with Carrey, and right) asking where his missing prescription painkillers were just hours before her lifeless body was found following a massive drug overdose. 

According to a bombshell LA Coroner's report - obtained by Daily Mail Online - Cathriona White had taken the anti-inflammatory pills she stole from Carrey (also pictured left, carrying her coffin) along with a cocktail of other drugs to end her life. Her body was found by friends four days later, on September 28, at the LA home (bottom-left) where she lived alone.

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