28 July, 2016

'Merkel is RUINING our country!' Germans revolt over four savage attacks by Muslims in a week... and blame ISIS terror attacks on the million refugees she welcomed in a year

Germany is reeling from a week of bloodshed from terror attacks, which has forced those living there to question Angela Merkel's open door policy which has allowed a million new arrivals in a year. 

It began when Pakistani teenager Pakistani teenager Riaz Khan Ahmadzai, 17, (bottom right) posing as an Afghan refugee went on the rampage slashing passengers on a train in Wurzburg, wounding five, before being shot dead by police. It was followed by German-Iranian teenager Ali Sonboly (bottom right) going on the rampage with a pistol and shot dead nine in revenge for years of bullying at school. The most recent attack was when ISIS suicide bomber Mohammad Daleel (top right) detonated explosives in his rucksack outside a wine bar in Ansbach, injuring 12. Daleel, 27, was one of 200,000 failed asylum seekers in Germany awaiting deportation. Student Sophia Stigler, 21, (left) told MailOnline: 'It does scare me that this can happen and as a country we have to look at why. We have had problems with refugees and it is right that Angela Merkel reviews her policy of letting more into the country.'

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