08 July, 2016

'Why would anyone find me attractive?': Brave teenager pours her heart out over fears she'll never find love after gaining 8st during cancer treatment

The incredibly moving words come from 18-year-old Natasha Anastasiou (pictured left before her illness), who posted a video to on a cancer support website.

In it, she reveals how she fears she'll never find love despite going into remission from cancer - because the treatment left has her eight stone heavier. After finding a lump above her collar bone, she was diagnosed with stage 2 Hodgkin's lymphoma the day after her 17th birthday in April 2015. But last Christmas, she and her family celebrated with her when, having abandoning her A levels to undergo gruelling chemotherapy, she was told last there is now no sign of the disease. Despite this, her confidence is in tatters due to the weight she has gained and scar she was left with during treatment. In the heartbreaking video, posted on the JTV Cancer Support Network website, she says: 'The problem is I feel like I have to justify the way I look to other people. 'I feel less confident than before, and with that comes a lot of doubt. Why would anyone be interested in me?'

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