14 September, 2016

'I'm allergic to the WEATHER': Woman who suffers from seizures and paralysis says UK climate is to blame

Katie Steward moved from her home in Essex to Spain to alleviate her symptoms (left). She claims to suffer from a a rare chemical intolerance - known as Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. 

While doctors diagnosed chronic fatigue syndrome ME, the 39-year-old who is so weak she needs a wheelchair (inset), believes her condition is affected by the climate. She is so sensitive to light, sound and touch she must spend hours alone in a darkened room and sleeps with a mask (right). When she first moved abroad, her symptoms began to improve. Now she is hoping to move to a remote part of New Mexico. She said: 'I don't know how many more toxic exposures my body can handle - I feel like I am playing Russian roulette with my second chance.'

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