09 September, 2016

Meet the world's tiniest baby: Emilia was born weighing just 8 OUNCES and with feet smaller than a thumbnail

Emilia Grabarczyk was only 22cm long (left) and had a foot the size of a thumbnail (right) when she was born in Witten, Germany, nine months ago. 

She was delivered at 26 weeks because the placenta was not giving her the nutrition she needed. Doctors called her the 'little fighter' after she battled for survival. She now weighs 7lb 2oz - the same as a healthy newborn with medics pleased by her progress. Dr Bahman Gharavi, at St Mary's hospital where she was born, said: 'Even children with a birth weight of 14 ounces rarely survive. We have to thank Emilia as well for her own survival.

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