09 September, 2016

'My IBS was actually cancer': Massage therapist is left with huge triangular scar following surgery to remove a tumour

Charmaine Chantler, 30, from Newcastle, became virtually housebound by her symptoms which saw her needing the toilet 12 times a day. 

She visited her GP but the symptoms match irritable bowel syndrome, a more common but agonising complaint. When her symptoms persisted, she went for further tests which revealed an ulcer before the devastating diagnosis of a rare type of endocrine cancer. She underwent surgery to remove the tumour (inset in hospital) which left her with a triangular-shaped scar (right). Miss Chantler said she now uses it to give herself strength. She said: 'A friend said it looked like a triangle, a symbol of strength - because no matter how much pressure you put on any side, it will never break.'

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