27 September, 2016

'Typical politician. All talk. No action': Trump lays into Hillary as she accuses him of not paying his taxes and 'saying crazy things'

The first debate of the presidential election is on - a showdown between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump which has the potential to put one of them in the White House. 

Moderated by Lester Holt, the NBC Nightly News anchor, the 90-minutes debates is expected to be the most-watched in history, with up to 100 million people tuning in. In the audience are Melania Trump and Bill Clinton, and an audience invited by both sides which was warned by Holt beforehand to refrain from cheering and booing. The extraordinary spectacle of the debate - the first of three - sets the stage for the closing weeks of a bitterly-contested campaign which has seen Clinton's poll lead eroded and Trump gain a growing sense of confidence. The polls are currently showing, in effect, a tie - with both candidates hoping that Monday night's debate at Hofstra University, in Hempstead, New York, will be the breakthrough moment that puts them firmly on the way to victory.

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