30 October, 2016

The great Brexit cuppa calamity: UK boss of Typhoo Tea warns of the 'disastrous' impact of Leave vote - as the price of imports leaps by a scalding 50%

The cost of a cuppa is set to rise as a result of the 'disastrous' consequences of Brexit, the UK boss of Typhoo Tea has warned. 

The announcement by the company's chief executive, Somnath Saha (left), follows other price hikes introduced by firms such as Apple and Marmite in the wake of the Brexit vote. Mr Saha said the cost of importing an 80 kilo bag of tea had soared by 50 per cent - from £100 up to £150 since the beginning of the year - with much of the increase being blamed on the recent fall in the value of sterling. It was 'an absolute disaster' for the company, costing it £250,000 a month, said Mr Saha, whose firm employs 300 people in the UK and produces 125 million tea bags a week at its factory in Wigan. He said: 'We are really suffering.'
Earlier this year, TV chef Nigella Lawson became a Typhoo 'ambassador,' (right).

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