18 October, 2016

We're the 4am SUPERWOMEN: Yes, that's when they get up in the morning every weekday to steal 'magic hours' while their families sleep - and why, they say, they're wealthy, successful and slim

These are the women getting ahead in business by sacrificing a lie-in for a morning 'magic hour'. 

They say by getting up at around 4am, they can be more productive and creative than competitors. Pictured left, Charlotte Fall, a 38-year-old mother of two who runs a jewellery company, says the early hour means 'no one wants anything from me' and puts her business on top. Centre, Jaz Notay, a 37-year-old mother of two with an accountancy business, who is up before the crack of dawn despite rarely getting to bed much before 11.30pm. Right, Sally Learmouth, 39, also a mother of two, who values the peace and quiet of the early morning hours before her husband and daughters wake up and says it means she can go to her yoga class twice a week 'guilt-free'.

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