30 November, 2016

500 Startups’ Geeks on a Plane to tour four African cities next year

500 Startups, a venture capital firm and startup incubator in Silicon Valley, has announced it will, for the very first time, tour four African cities next year via Geeks on a Plane.

Geeks on a Plane (#GOAP) is a tour for startups, investors, and executives to learn about high-growth technology markets worldwide.
Using planes, trains, and automobiles, these geeks visit the most exciting international startup scenes with the sole mission of uniting geeks and exploring cross-border opportunities.
Since launch, Geeks on a Plane has made 16 trips to 33 countries and visited 44 cities, with over 15,000 alumni.
Geeks on a Plane will visit four African cities, namely Lagos, Nigeria; Accra, Ghana; and Johannesburg, and Capetown, South Africa between March 20 and April 1, 2017.
That’s as much details that’s available at the moment – more to come later. If you’ll like to be a part of the tour though, you can register here.
The tour typically range from US$12,000 – US$15,000 per Geek, which covers hotels, ground transportation, registration fee, events & activities, visas, drivers, guides, tips, taxes, some meals and really bad jokes from Dave McClure.
500 Startups has, in recent time, shown interest in the African tech industry. It has invested in a few startups such as Ghana’s Dropifi, South Africa’s SweepSouth and Nigeria’s Aella Credit and SureBids.
This tour, which is very much connected with this interest, gives 500 Startups the opportunity to meet geeks that are behind some of the continent’s amazing startups, and learn from the startup ecosystem of some of its investees.

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