10 November, 2016

PIERS MORGAN: The more the privileged elite sucked up to Clinton, the more determined it made Mr and Mrs Ordinary American to trigger Millennial Armageddon

PIERS MORGAN: 'The new President-elect of the United States of America is Donald J. Trump.' Those, I can say with some certainty, were the words that only Donald himself and me ever thought he might eventually be saying when he first announced he was running last year to global mockery and scorn. 

Trump won because he challenged all political convention and every single facet of the establishment. I was struck by the sheer scale of cocky complacency which enveloped the Hillary Clinton camp in the past few weeks as Election Day approached. It smacked of precisely the same 'there's no way we can possibly lose to these 'ignorant, racist, sexist Neanderthals' establishment mentality that provoked Britain into Brexit in June. Hillary herself dripped with haught, superior arrogance, referring to Trump's supporters as a 'basket of deplorables'. I genuinely don't think she ever gave any serious thought to losing to someone like Trump, who will now become the only President never to serve in political life or the military. But, Trump, against all the odds and mockery, just won the biggest prize of them all. Congratulations Donald - now go prove them all wrong again and be a great president.

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