29 December, 2016

ATM Innovations to Grow in 2017- Report

Paragon Application Systems, a provider of independent testing services for the financial services industry, has published its prognostications on trends and challenges for 2017:

Evolution, not revolution: - adoption of innovative ATM services — such as contactless access — will grow over the next 12 months; and innovation phenomenon will be seen across other financial services delivery channels, as well.

Security: - hacking methods will become more sophisticated, increasing pressure for financial service providers to deploy fortified security methods such as advanced tokenization and encryption; and
-  as merchants and financial institutions adjust to EMV regulations, hackers will focus on "low-hanging fruit," i.e., organizations that have yet to become EMV compliant.
EMV:- changes to the user experience will lead to a rise in different payment methods such as digital wallets and payment apps; and
- ATM providers will spend a significant portion of the year preparing for the October shift, coordinating hardware, software and certification testing.
Enhanced testing practices:- as payments systems continue to evolve in scope and complexity, FIs and processors will invest in more comprehensive, automated and virtualized testing solutions; and
-  more organizations will opt for Testing as a Service offerings to increase the efficiently and cost-effectiveness of software testing.
"The payments industry is making strides towards providing ubiquitous user access through a growing number of end points," Paragon CEO .Jim Perry said in the release. "With such a growing presence comes increasing amounts of complexity, code and processes that must be dealt with by testing methodologies built for this type of environment. ... The one thing that is certain about 2017 is demand for next generation testing platforms will increase as the industry deals with more innovation, payment types, security demands and certification requirements."

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