01 January, 2017

How did technology help you in 2016?

Happy New Year! Today’s piece is designed to fit into the relaxed new year mood while helping our esteemed readers reflect on the previous year.
As you may already know, technology is an enabler and it is your responsibility to make it work for you. When I talk about technology, I do not mean some complex stuff left only to geeks who are very good at programming and it does not mean using social media to fight or argue a case alone. It is certainly more than that.

My desire is for more Nigerians to regard technology as a tool to create a future they really long for. As an example, I have gone from a blogger to being a highly sought-after personality in the industry because, long ago, I made a commitment that I would use technology to transform my life in ways that my peers or those around me would not believe were possible.
What’s my point? Make technology work for you in 2017. Dig deeper; carry out more researches. Make Google your partner and take the first step.
That said, may I encourage you to take some moment to review how the use of tech tools every day must have helped you achieve more in 2016. The following are basically my thoughts on how some select tools have been of great help:
  1. How did you manage your daily tasks in 2016?
Quite a number of people are not where they should be in life; this is because they are not good time managers. Yes, they are always busy, but busy doing what? Working with to-do-lists can actually make a lot of difference and tools like Evernote, Wunderlist or Any.do will help you better manage your time. These are useful tools that can actually help you to achieve all or some of the things you set out to do.
  1. Where did you spend the most time online?
This also leads to the next point. What if I ask you this question and demand that you respond immediately? Where did you spend most of your time online in 2016? Will you be exact? Maybe yes, or maybe no, but if you had installed a tool like “Rescuetime”, it would show you exactly where you spent the most time and most importantly, it would tell you if you spent your time productively or not.
  1. How well did you do with appointments?
Still on another aspect of life that is largely influenced by how we manage our time; were you able to meet all your appointments in 2016?
Research has proved that the majority of people set up and manage appointments with their brains alone. There is actually nothing wrong with that, but there is a tendency for you to forget some of these appointments.
However, there are tools that can help you manage your appointments better. These include “Google Calendar”, (my favourite on the desktop), and “Cal” (my favourite on mobile). If you stop me on the way and request for a list of my appointments in 2016, I will produce it quickly with just a few clicks.
  1. What is your total expenditure in 2016?
Except you are an accountant or love accounting or you have hired a personal accountant, chances of knowing this easily are very slim. With a tool like ‘Expensify’ or ‘Money Lover’, you can actually know this with a click of the button. This tool will actually show you, not just your total expenditure but the areas of life that you are spending most on.
  1. How did you do with your health goal?
Losing weight and keeping fit is certainly a popular New Year resolution for some people, but like we know, many hardly ever follow through with these.
If you had installed a basic mobile app like “Google Fit”, you will be able to know how you did with some health goals such as how much calories you burned through the year and how many kilometres you walked all through the year. I believe this app is super important for a generation like ours, where the name of the game is convenience.
Most things we want can be got with the click of a button. Many of us spend more time viewing the screens of our devices and less on physical activities. Please, ask a medical practitioner for the risks that go with this type of sedentary lifestyle.
If you are someone who started 2016 with some of these apps, then, you can actually use them, and many others out there, to review how you fared in 2016. If, on the other hand, you did not install them at the beginning of the year, then, you can do so now and start off 2017 strong. It is better late than never.
My intention is to further use technology to my advantage and make 2017 my best year ever. I once again encourage you to resolve to do the same because the tools are available out there. So make them work for you.
A note of warning, however, is the fact that there are tons of technology tools and apps out there and I don’t encourage you to go for all of them as this will definitely be counterproductive. The way to go about it is to find out your goals and go for only the ones relevant in helping you to achieve them easily.
Here is wishing you a blessed and technology-powered 2017!

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