12 August, 2015

Inspirational teenager fulfils the last item on her bucket list... donating her eyes to save a stranger's sight two months after her death

Harriet Sheehan, 15, of Cumbria (pictured top left), suffered from cystic fibrosis (she is pictured, bottom left, in hospital) and died unexpectedly in February. She wrote a bucket list of all the things she wanted to do before she passed away. She was able to meet One Direction, including her idol Harry Styles, in December 2014 (pictured right). But the last wish on her list was one she fulfilled after her death. Despite being unable to donate her major organs due to her illness, Harriet wanted to donate her eyes instead. Two months after her death, her parents learned they were used to save a 26-year-old man from blindness. Her father, Greg Sheehan, 40, said: 'Hearing she'd saved a stranger from blindness was incredibly emotional. There were a lot of mixed feelings, but I was mainly immeasurably proud that she has such an amazing legacy and keeps on giving.'

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