13 December, 2015

Syringe That Can Plug A Gunshot In 20 Seconds

With problems facing gun control, researchers created a syringe that can plug a gunshot in 20 seconds and was recently approved by the FDA. It could potentially be a life-saving device. It will effectively closed the wound and offer precious time to arrive at the hospital for serious interventions.

XSTAT 30 has been in use by the military for around a year and a half. It’s essentially a syringe with many tiny sponges. When they’re injected, they expand immediately upon contact with blood. This plugs the wound and stops the bleeding, preventing hemorrhagic shock. It’s life-threatening, so stopping it could be indeed life-saving, and it would spare tremendous amounts of pain.

According to former medic of the U.S. Army, John Stainbaugh, doctors had to actually insert gauze directly into the gunshot wound, before the device was made. It was not only less effective, but it was also viciously painful. In fact, former Special Operations medic, Dr. Stainbaugh, stated that they had to take the soldier’s gun away before inserting gauzes to avoid accidental firing due to the pain. And, even then, the chances were the soldier would die before reaching the hospital.
Between 2001 and 2009, bleeding out was the second-leading cause of death for soldiers of the U.S. Army with gunshot wounds that were not necessary life-threatening. They could have been saved through a faster method and a less painful manner. Enter XSTAT 30. The method has proven itself exceptionally beneficial to the health and survival rate of military members.
Now, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has officially approved XSTAT 30 for the thousands of civilian casualties or gunshot victims. According to William Maisel from the FDA, the product was designed for the battlefield, which means it will be used in worst case scenarios for the public. Specifically, it would be beneficial for urgent situations, and in certain non-compressible areas, such as the groin or armpit.
The FDA stated that up to 40% of civilian deaths are the result of hemorrhaging. And out of those, between 33-56% of patients tragically perish before they could reach the hospital. XSTAT 30 could prevent their deaths by stopping the bleeding. It will reportedly offer up 4 extra hours for the patient to be taken to the hospital by intervention groups. It could mean the difference between life and death.
The XSTAT 30 syringe will be inserted into the wound, and inject the small sponges. They will expand and effectively block any more blood from spilling. It will take only 20 seconds before it’s completely plugged, and will stop the patient from bleeding out through the applied pressure. Then, the medics or intervention teams may transport them to the hospital.

It’s to be noted that it’s a ‘worst case scenario’ situation, and it’s not intended for use in wounds within the pelvis, stomach, or chest. Given the increase of U.S. death rate caused by gunshots, it’s expected that the numbers will rise further than the 30,000 deaths in 2015. Perhaps XSTAT 30 could save the lives of many.
Source - http://www.mirrordaily.com/syringe-that-can-plug-a-gunshot-in-20-seconds/25903/

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