26 February, 2016

You Should Have Given Him A Chance! Brilliant Prank Video Exposes 'Gold-Digging' Woman Who Turns Down A Scruffy-Looking Admirer - Only To Discover She Has Made A BIG Mistake

Californian Josh Paler Lin pranked a woman to prove she was a gold-digger - and she fell right into his trap. When approached outside a cafe the blonde rebuffed the scruffy looking man, top left, claiming she had a boyfriend. 

But when a man in a suit got out of a sports car, top right, and came over she said she was single and invited him to sit down, bottom left. 

Sadly for her the suited man said he works for the man in the red shirt and was dropping off his car. She then said it wasn't serious with her boyfriend, bottom right, but it was too late.

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