13 June, 2016

'My parents saved my life': Orlando gunman's ex-wife reveals he beat her for not doing household chores... as his father says son 'got angry when he saw men kiss'

The ex-wife of Orlando gunman Omar Mateen claims he beat her, according to a report. 

Sitora Yusufiy told the Washington Post she met New York-born Mateen online in 2009. Within weeks, they decided to marry. She moved to Florida in March that year, where they wed and moved into a two-bedroom home owned by Mateen's family in Fort Pierce. At the start of their relationship, she told the Post, he was not particularly religious and was not violent. Despite owning a handgun, she said, the then-21-year-old 'seemed like a normal human being' at first. He was a private person and dedicated much of his time to exercise. But eventually he became violent. 'He was not a stable person,' she told the Post. 'He beat me. He would just come home and start beating me up because the laundry wasn't finished or something like that.' When her parents found out about the beatings just months after the wedding, they staged an intervention and rescued her from the home.

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