27 June, 2016

We ALL look good for our age! MailOnline readers who are regularly told they could pass for years younger share their photos and beauty secrets

FEMAIL has been contacted by many MailOnline who say they can pass for ten - or sometimes 20 years - younger than their age, with some even mistaken for their son's girlfriend! 

Their secrets range from everything from a thorough skin care regime, to Pilates, good genes or a positive outlook on life. Pictured clockwise from top left: Kimberly Horan, 45, who is Australian but now lives in Manila in the Philippines, is constantly being told she looks younger than her years. Pam Frigo, 48, is told she looks youthful all the time and credits her healthy lifestyle for holding back the years. Joanne Carter, 35, is a full-time mother who puts her youthful looks down to genetics. Mary Kay Neyland, from the US, credits good DNA, clean eating and being a holistic health coach for her youthful looks. Donna Price, 31, from Cheltenham, says she is often mistaken for a teenager thanks to her youthful looks. Mother-of-two Yvette Hart, 50, says she is often told she could pass for 40.

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