06 July, 2016

Casey Anthony is 'bored' of her life of freedom: Five years after she was acquitted, the 30-year-old is dating again - but has cut ties with her family and has few friends

Tuesday marks the five-year anniversary of the day Casey Anthony was acquitted in the murder trial of her two-year-old daughter Caylee (pictured left in court on that day, her daughter pictured center inset). 

Sources are now telling People how Anthony's life has changed since that fateful day (Anthony pictured right in May, buying a car). They say Anthony lives much like a pensioner, on a fixed income with little to do. She has started dating again - albeit almost only with men she meets through her lawyers. Earlier this year, Anthony started a photography business but she reportedly has not been getting much work. The 30-year-old has cut ties with her parents and brother, and has very few friends her own age.

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