01 July, 2016

Ex-Navy SEAL becomes the first motorist to die in self-driving car after Tesla autopilot crash - a month after filming himself in near miss

Motorist Joshua Brown (top) has been killed behind the wheel of a car on autopilot - the first death in a self-driving vehicle. 

Brown, 40, was in the Tesla Model S car (inset) when it collided with a tractor trailer in Williston, Florida, in May. Tesla said its autopilot system failed to detect the truck because its white color was similar to that of the bright sky. The U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is investigating. It has also emerged that Brown - a former Navy SEAL - narrowly avoided a very similar smash (below) earlier this year, when his car did not notice a white truck turning in on him on the freeway. Tesla confirmed the man's 'tragic' death, but defended its vehicles, saying they were safer than other cars.

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