01 July, 2016

Teenager who had the HPV jab is now wheelchair-bound, narcoleptic and suffering memory loss, her mother claims

Leissa Nielsen's teenage daughter Chantele, from Hessle, East Yorkshire, had the vaccination to protect her from cervical cancer at the end of April (left, before having the vaccine). 

Since then, Ms Nielsen claims Chantele has suffered debilitating side effects including fainting up to eight times daily, uncontrollable sleep episodes, painful headaches, neck pain, blurred vision and even memory loss. Now, Chantele has to use a wheelchair in case she faints and injures herself (right). Ms Nielsen, 46, who works for the fire service, said: 'Sometimes she will suddenly faint, which lasts around 30 seconds, but then she will go into a deep sleep. When it first happened she was unable to talk for 14 hours. She couldn't remember what day it was or answer any simple maths questions.'

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