01 July, 2016

Toddler whose eczema was so severe strangers thought he'd been in FIGHTS no longer scratches until he bleeds thanks to oatmeal ointment

Joey Bottrill, from Solihull, would wake up in pain after scratching his itchy skin until it bled despite being wrapped in bandages and mittens. 

His eczema was so bad (left and both insets), strangers would ask his mother Christina Clinton (right) if he had been fighting or fallen over. She said: 'I knew people weren't being nasty but it would make me really angry, I just wanted people to leave him alone.' Doctors initially treated the youngster with steroid creams but he started to become resistant to them. Desperate for anything to help, Ms Clinton turned to the internet and found a bizarre Australian cream made from cod liver oil and oatmeal. She said it has had 'amazing' results and helped to clear up the skin condition.

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