18 August, 2016

A-level joy - and despair - as the number of top grades FALLS but top universities offer a record number of places in clearing

A record number of A-level students secured a place at university today despite the number of pupils getting the top grades dropping slightly from last year. 

A total of 424,000 students landed a place on their first or second choice or degree course - but there are still 5,000 unclaimed places at top institutions which pupils can now try and secure through clearing. Official figures, released this morning, show that more students from disadvantaged backgrounds have got into university than ever before. Teenagers from the least advantaged backgrounds are seven per cent more likely to be placed this year than they were in 2015, although the most advantaged young people are still two-and-a-half times more likely to be accepted into higher education. Mary Curnock Cook, head of the body which manages university admissions, said: 'It's 424,000 placed - the highest ever on A-level results day. It's up 3 per cent on last year.' Pictured: Students at the Red Maids Girls School in Bristol (centre) and Manchester High School for Girls (right), reacted with tears after receiving their A-level results this morning, while those at Brighton College in Sussex embraced one another (left).

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