01 September, 2016

'I'm covered in scars, bruises and cuts. I get in fights a fair bit': Why do so many intelligent young women drink to oblivion? Three self-confessed binge drinkers reveal what drives them to booze

5 per cent of women in the UK are thought to have an alcohol problem. Three young women in their 20s confess to spending up to £200 a week on alcohol and drinking two bottles of wine on a night out. 

Musician Emily Carter-Lucas (left), 22, of Hereford, spends £100 a week on booze and is known to get in fights with strangers on nights out. Abigail Jones (centre), 23, of London, who is pursuing a PR career, can easily have a bottle of wine and ten drinks on a big night out. Emeley McGuinn (right), 21, from Blackburn, Lancashire, consumes 30 units of alcohol a week, more than double the recommended amount.

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