22 September, 2016

KATIE HOPKINS: Sorry Ang, but if you wanted to hang on to your ill-gotten guy you should have spent less time collecting kids and saving the world and more time being plain Mrs Pitt

Angelina is divorcing Brad. And I can guarantee you the first reaction of many will have been ha! Serves her right! Little Miss Perfect Pants is not so perfect after all.

An entire army of women whose husbands have left them for a younger model will be feeding on this news like nectar. I think we'd argue what goes around, comes around. She stole Billy Bob Thornton from his fiancée just as she stole Brad from Jen. Miss Not-So-Jolie-right-now is collecting divorce papers as fast as she collects kids. Never having been forgiven for wrenching Brad out of the arms of Jennifer Anniston, the thought that Angelina would be left weeping into her Saint Laurent power suit is utterly delicious, a cold compress on the bruised pride of divorcées worldwide.

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