25 September, 2016

Wife with cystic fibrosis dies just 5 days after her husband passes awayfrom the same disease

A Kentucky woman afflicted by cystic fibrosis died Thursday, five days after losing her husband to the same genetic lung disease. Katie Prager and her husband Dalton Prager met on Facebook in 2009.

Dalton Prager died Saturday at a St. Louis hospital from cystic fibrosis, which clogs the lungs with mucus. The median survival age is about 40. The couple was married in 2011. Dalton Prager moved back to suburban St. Louis after a 2014 lung transplant so his parents could care for him. They were last together for their fifth anniversary in July, and until his death last weekend, Dalton had hoped to see his wife one last time before she passed away.

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