03 October, 2016

Aged just 21 weeks, Britain youngest patient waiting for a heart transplant: Marnie will not survive beyond the age of two unless a donor is found

Aged just 21 weeks, poorly baby Marnie Brace is Britain's youngest patient on the waiting list for a heart transplant. 

Doctors are only able to keep the 11lb infant (main picture) alive with drugs that slow her heart, and she faces an indefinite stay in hospital until a donor is found. The search for a replacement heart is proving difficult because of Marnie's young age. Parents Amy and Nick Brace, from Eastbourne, (pictured with Marnie and their other son Jonah, inset) are now campaigning for a change in the law in England so people are automatically organ donors unless they opt out. They believe it could help other families in their situation because it is rare for parents to register their babies for organ donation under the current system.

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