21 October, 2016

I felt unloved and freakish. Hair extensions saved me from the shame of being a bald woman: In the week that the global trade in human hair was exposed, SARAH VINE tells another side of the story

Hair extensions are a popular and expensive accessory in the UK - but many women have no idea where they come from and the painstaking process it takes to make them. 

My father had thinning hair and so, unusually, did my paternal grandmother. Hair loss is often hereditary, although whether it happens or not, and to what degree, is dependent also on environmental and lifestyle factors, writes SARAH VINE.

1 comment:

  1. I really don’t know much about this scam thing and at the same time , no one wants to be on the losing side . But i just came across a good hacker who helped me hack my boyfriends text messages, whatsapp, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram messages remotely..You don’t have to touch his phone while you have access to his conversations through the software he bought and install remotely on my phone, i dont know how he did this but i think he's perfect at it.....contact him at jonnycyberghost@gmail.com..Tell him Allinson referred you, then you can thank me later. God Bless.
