22 October, 2016

Three-year-old boy struggles to walk after a rare condition makes his leg QUADRUPLE in size

Akshaj Khandelwal (left), from Delhi, India, has Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome - which affects one in 100,000 people and prevents him from walking normally. 

The condition, which is responsible for his abnormal leg growth (right), also causes him to bleed if he tries to walk more than a few steps and prevents him from going to school on his own. Unaware of it being a medical condition, the toddler just believes his larger leg is a gift and he is lucky to have it. People often maintain a distance from him out of fear of being infected - leaving his family scared he will get bullied by other children as he grows older. But his worried father Ankur believes he is still too young to be told the reality of his condition - for which there is no cure.

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