09 November, 2016

Confident Trump camp predict victory with The Donald AHEAD in Florida, Ohio, Virginia and North Carolina in race that is closer than any of the experts predicted

The balance of political power in the United States is teetering on a knife-edge as a handful of swing states will determine the result of the 2016 Presidential Election contest between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton. 

A half-dozen 'swing' states, those that don't reliably lean Republican or Democrat, were undecided as vote tallies went on. Key battles were unfolding in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania - with Georgia, North Carolina and Virginia also up in the air. Trump will need to win at least four of those six states in order to have a plausible path to the White House. With 91 per cent of Florida's votes counted, Trump led Clinton by roughly 100,000 votes out of nearly eight million. Cheers rang out at the Trump victory party inside a Manhattan hotel ballroom every time Florida updates flashed on giant screens. Yet a senior Trump campaign official admitted to CNN as the results poured in: 'It will take a miracle for us to win.' Florida was memorably the deciding state in the 2000 election between George W Bush and Al Gore. A major recount dispute meant that the result was not known for more than a month after balloting. Millions of Americans cast votes on Tuesday for either Trump or Clinton, two polarizing candidates who have split much of America into warring camps. Initial results gave Clinton victories in Delaware, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Vermont and the District of Columbia. Trump claimed wins in Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee and West Virginia. Results in each states give Trump an electoral college lead of 129-97. The magic number to win is 270.

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