16 January, 2016

Apprentice Winner On Way To Making A Million For Alan Sugar After Massive Success

The Apprentice winner Leah Totton is just what the doctor ordered for Lord Sugar – she’s well on her way to making her first million.

The junior doctor scooped the 2013 BBC 1 series with a business plan to open a string of drop-in cosmetic surgery centres across the UK specialising in treatments like Botox.
Lord Sugar reckoned her blueprint was a winner too and took on the young medic, 27.
She opened her first clinic in London soon after being told “you’re hired” by the tycoon.
He invested £250,000 in the business to pay for equipment, stock, rent on a premises and staff costs.
And she has repaid his faith after figures for Dr Leah Ltd for last year revealed the firm now has £439,000 in cash in its coffers – up from £190,000 in 2014.
Industry analysts say Lord Sugar – who is also a director of the business – will be overjoyed that the outfit posted such a robust profit margin in only its second year of trading.
Last night wealth management accountant Richard Simpson said: “The figures are very pleasing indeed for an investor.
“Many firms fail to make a profit in their first, second or even third years so to be posting such a healthy surplus so early is amazing.
“This firm has all the hallmarks of being a multi-million pound concern within five to seven years at this rate of turnover.”

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