29 May, 2016

Did the lookalike ex-girlfriend of Depp's wife fuel his rage? Star 'put Amber in fear for her life with brutal beatings after rows over former lesbian lover'

Amber Heard, 30, was previously in a lesbian relationship with photographer Tasya Van Ree (pictured together, left). 

Miss Heard's terrier Pistol was a gift from Miss Van Ree, and some reports even claimed the two women were secretly married because Heard's name appeared as Amber Van Ree on public records in the United States. It was alleged that Johnny Depp (top right, in 1993). was 'enraged' by his wife's friendship with her former lover. Miss Heard filed for a restraining order against the Pirates Of The Caribbean star, saying she was left 'black and blue' after a particularly severe beating in December 2015.

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