21 June, 2016

The AI app that sees (and hears) everything: 'RedEye' can remember who you've met and even what you said to them

Siri and Cortana are helpful with answering questions and searching the web, but fall short when it comes to recognizing and anticipating someone's needs.

Now researches have unveiled a new application that could be deemed a true virtual assistant for your smartphone.
Called RedEye, this technology uses machine learning to see and hear what users are experiencing in order to provide them with specific information - like people they've seen or places they've been.
Rice University revealed this new innovation at the International Symposium on Computer Architecture conference in Seoul, South Korea today.
'The concept is to allow our computers to assist us by showing them what we see throughout the day,' said group leader Lin Zhong, professor of electrical and computer engineering at Rice and the co-author of a new study about RedEye, said.
'It would be like having a personal assistant who can remember someone you met, where you met them, what they told you and other specific information like prices, dates and times.'
Zhong explained that RedEye is perfect for the type of technology the computer industry is developing specifically for wearables, hands-free and always-on devices that help people during their daily lives. 
Experts have dubbed this trend 'pervasive computing' or ambient intelligence,' which are recognize and even anticipate what someone needs and provides it them right away.
'The pervasive-computing movement foresees devices that are personal assistants, which help us in big and small ways at almost every moment of our lives,' Zhong said.
'But a key enabler of this technology is equipping our devices to see what we see and hear what we hear. 

'Smell, taste and touch may come later, but vision and sound will be the initial sensory inputs.'
Zhong said energy consumption has hindered the development for continuous vision, as the current devices are batter y killers -- especially when they are processing real-time video.
In order to begin work for RedEye, he and Rice graduate student Robert LikamWa measured the energy profiles of commercially available sensors and discovered that the existing technology would have to be 100 times more energy-efficient for continuous vision to be produced for the masses.
'RedEye grew from that because we still needed another tenfold improvement in energy efficiency, and we knew we would need to redesign both the hardware and software to achieve that,' LiKamWa said. 
He explained that the energy block was due to the conversion of images from analog to digital format.
'Real-world signals are analog, and converting them to digital signals is expensive in terms of energy,' said LiKamWa. 
The team was able to reduce sensing energy consumption by 84.5%, which was carried out from readout workload reduction. 
RedEye also assists mobile CPU/GPU systems by replacing the image sensor, nearly halving the system energy consumption by moving convolutional processing from the digital domain in the analog domain, reads the published study.
In the case of machine learning, the application uses 'convolutional neural network,' an algorithmic structure inspired by the organization of the animal visual cortex.
'The upshot is that we can recognize objects—like cats, dogs, keys, phones, computers, faces, etc.—without actually looking at the image itself,' LiKamWasaid. 
'We're just looking at the analog output from the vision sensor. 
''We have an understanding of what's there without having an actual image.' 
'This increases energy efficiency because we can choose to digitize only the images that are worth expending energy to create.' 
The team also sees this technology helping with privacy implications, as they can 'define a set of rules where the system will automatically discard the raw image after it has finished processing' and the image could never be recovered.
This means if a users doesn't want specific times, objects or places record, the team has implemented a  mechanisms to ensure that photos of those things are never created in the first place.

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