27 June, 2016

The plot to block Brexit: British and European politicians plot to overturn result that was backed by 17 million Brits amid political turmoil

British and European politicians are plotting to block the UK's exit from the EU. On a chaotic day in which the Labour Party went into meltdown, a campaign was started to force a second referendum. 

Tony Blair (top left), Nicola Sturgeon (centre), some pro-Remain MPs and a senior German official said a rethink was needed now the consequences of quitting the Brussels club were clear. Eleven Labour frontbenchers resigned in a bid to replace Jeremy Corbyn with a pro-EU party leader. German Chancellor Angela Merkel's chief of staff, Peter Altmaier (inset) said that, if Britain left, it would be 'a difficult watershed with many consequences'. Labour MP David Lammy meanwhile, called on Parliament to 'stop this madness'. Tory grandee and arch Europhile Lord Heseltine (bottom left) said he was appalled by the result of the referendum with voters 'sold a fool's promise'. Tim Farron, the Liberal Democrat leader, said his party would not 'roll over and give up' over the issue, pledging to fight the next general election on a manifesto promise to take Britain back into the EU.

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