21 June, 2016

Mother, 27, diagnosed with FOUR different cancers in two years is now desperately fundraising for treatment abroad so her daughter 'still has a mummy'

Gemma Nuttall, 27, from Lancashire, was first diagnosed with ovarian and cervical cancer when she went for a pregnancy scan.

She was treated but was then diagnosed with brain and lung cancer. Her mother Helen Sproates (inset) has now set up an online fundraising page to raise £50,000 to take her daughter abroad for advanced treatment not available in the UK. Writing on her crowdfunding page, Mrs Sproates said: 'As a mother, I believe one of the worst things you can ever hear is " Mum, I have cancer". I have heard these words not once but THREE times and my daughter is only 27 years old.' Miss Nuttall, who has a two-year-old daughter, Penelope, was first diagnosed with ovarian cancer after she went for her first pregnancy scan. She told doctors she wanted to keep the baby and was induced at 36 weeks before undergoing surgery immediately to have the 'huge' tumour removed. But the cancer has now appeared in four areas of her body.

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